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Posts posted by Bathawk

  1.   Hey all, hope this dose t sound too dumb. But can anyone explain the utility of throwing objects? Me and my girlfriend have played a couple of games so far, but haven’t seen the use of it, but so many characters have an ability to throw, it seems it should be important 

    first it seems like very low damage...+1 of the objects size, that’s only 4 dice (3+1) for a thrown car, and most attack abilities do this much minimimum already

    the power cost also seems like a negative, as it seems like you would be better served saving those points for an attack that does more damage, may have extra effects, or be a “builder” attack to get more power

    then there’s placement. If I understand the rules, when you throw an object you throw it directly away. Meaning if Hulk is facing off against Spider-Man, and a car is to the Hulks right, that car can only be thrown to the right....if he wants to throw it at Spider-Man, he would need to position himself behind the car with it between him and his target.

    Throwing may give the opportunity to reach a long distance foe, but in CP, even a “punch” has a pretty long range of “2” or “3”

    The only thing I can figure is that as a “superpower” that doesn’t cost an action, it allows a free extra attack if you have the power to spend

    (oh, btw, can normal characters throw objects without a power? Ie can captain America (for whatever reason) throw a size “1” trash can or fire hydrant?)

    thanks in advance

  2. Hey all, going to play my second game of Crisis Protocol today and wanted some advice/clarifications 

    First, about affiliations, I understand you must have at more than half your force under an affiliation to use the leadership ability. For example, if your wanting to use Captain America’s “A day unlike any other” Avengers leadership ability on a five man squad, at least three of them need to be Avengers. The confusion is what about the “odd men out”? If the remaining two of the squad are say, Crossbones and Ultron, they don’t benefit from Cap’s leadership ability right? Rationally I would think they don’t, but I have seen blogs elsewhere on the net that say they do.

    Second question is simple.....is there any difference in the game between wall crawling and flight?

    and lastly, slight confusion on what “dazed” and “ ko’d” mean....I think “dazed” means losing all your health on your healthy side, becom8ng “injured”...and ko’d means losing all your injured Hit points? (Dead)

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