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Posts posted by FlyingRhino

  1. Reading the superpower Some Assembly Required, it does not specify that the leadership ability needs to be in the Avengers affiliation, just that the character has an active or inactive leadership. Does this mean characters with leaderships for other affiliations will grant the bonus for the superpower in question? So Black Panther or Amazing Spider man would fulfill the requirements of having an inactive leadership, enabling the chosen character to use the superpower?

  2. HI,

    Was in an interesting situation. Black Swan used Everything Dies on Ghost Rider, KOing him. He played Deal with the Devil, and moved Ghost Rider across the board after the card was resolved. Does Black Swan then attack him with Eye Beam as the conditional Hit roll was met? 

    This led to follow up questions, that if during any attack action that allowed a follow up attack if conditions were met, would the follow up attack continue if a KO preventing tactic/superpower was used and the target was still in range and LOS?

  3. Thanks, and just so it's clear in my head, when the verbiage attack action is in the superpower, it would affect every attack in a beam or area (and rapid fire/ricochet/flurry/etc?) done within that action per your example. If it says the next attack, it is only referring to the first attack made in the situation, like baron mordo and thanos's reactive superpowers.

  4. Hi,

    Let me know if I interpreted this correctly. When using Brimstone Blitz, if Flurry of Blows is proc'd, it states that an "additional attack action" may be made. This is different from other attacks I have seen so far, such as attacks with the Rapid Fire rule, or Whirling Blades, Incantation of Obliteration, Everything Dies, etc. All of those specify which attack must be made, but for Flurry of Blows, it does not. Does this mean that if Flurry of Blows is proc'd, the attacking played can use *either* Brimstone Blitz provided they have the power, or Teleporting Strike otherwise?

  5. What I've been reading in the forums so far is that typically, when a superpower adds dice to an attack, and that attack is a beam or area, only the first 'attack' gets the bonus dice and not any after it. Is this universally the case, or are there exceptions? I noticed the Smash TTC says attacks, so I assume it would break that rule. Do I understand this correctly, and are there other situations where every attack in a beam/area would get the benefit of added dice? If so, what's the verbiage that distinguishes the two? Attack/attack action/attacks/etc.

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