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Posts posted by rasmussen81

  1. We ran into a situation we weren't sure about in our game tonight, hoping people could help us figure it out.

    An emplacement trooper is facing toward a unit of Tauntauns but the firing arc is blocked by a large building. One figure of the Taun is behind the building and within the firing arc but is out of LOS. The other Taun is within LOS but is outside the firing arc.

    Can the emplacement trooper use their emplacement weapon to attack the Taun it can see, or would it have to use its blaster weapon instead?

    We ruled that it could not use its main weapon without pivoting. Did we play that right?

  2. Hi everyone,

    We ran into a new situation this evening that we couldn't find the answer to, even here on the forums (though maybe my searching skills failed me).

    Unit A is in Melee with Unit B. Unit B has several figures as part of their unit and are engaged around Unit A.

    Unit C moves up and also engages in a Melee attack with Unit B. The rules say that when you start a Melee, move the figures from the defending unit into base contact with the attacking unit. It doesn't specify if this is overridden by the fact that someone is engaged. So our question was this...

    When Unit C moves into base contact with a figure from Unit B, do the other figures from Unit B move from base contact with Unit A (where they are engaged) into base contact with Unit C? Or do they stay where they are?

    Thanks for any help and insight you can provide!

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