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Posts posted by nosferatupa

  1. Good evening,

    My questions regard to Kingpin's Solid Frame superpower.  I just want to be clear.

    1.  If a model is thrown at Kingpin, Kingpin makes a dodge roll but he does not suffer damage from other characters?

    2.  If Kingpin is thrown at another model in range Kingpin does not suffer the 1 damage for this Collison?

    3.  Lastly if this has all been true above if a Terrain feature is thrown at Kingpin he does have to make the dodge roll and can suffer damage correct?


    Thank you

  2. I found a ruling asking Transform but want to be clear.  If I target attack Ant-Man normal sized with a range 2 attack, that he is just barely in range, Ant-Man can pay 1 power to transform and be placed within 1 of it original position.  Now he is out of my range 2 attack does my attack fail and I can choose a new target, does it just fail and action is wasted or does the attack still go through the ability does not specify a remeasure or LOS check?

    For my second with Psychic Distraction falls in close as above but just different enough to ask as well.  My Cassandra Nova is targeted by my opponent's Thor and he has paid for the For Asgard superpower.  Does he get to make the Strike first or can I use the reactive Psychic Distraction?  If I do get to move first and happen to roll and deal damage with Psychic Distraction and get to move Cassandra Nova Small if that puts her out of range of Thor's Strike does the attack fail, can he choose a new target or do I take the hit even if I am now out of range?

    Sorry for all the questions but just want to be clear on rules and why.

  3. Good afternoon,

    I am posting this question to clarify the effect of  TaskMaster's attached Mnemonic Technique against foes like Magneto or Ebony Maw.  If the opponents use their Mystic defense reactive super power does that mean TaskMaster uses their Mystic defense to add additional dice or does the attack still only use the character's Physical defense dice total?

    Thank you,


  4. Good evening,

    Can you throw a piece of terrain at a character whom is standing on it?  For example Baron Zemo a size 2 model is standing on the Newstand a Size 3 terrain piece.  Hulk is next to the stand.  Can he with his superpower throw the newstand into Baron Zemo?  Thank you for your time and patience.




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