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IG-88 Arsenal X and Splitfiring with Versatile

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If IG-88 is engaged in melee, my understanding is that he is able to perform a melee attack and fire his modified E-11 blaster as that weapon has versatile and he has Arsenal 2.

Given the wording of Arsenal 2, Can he perform a ranged attack (while engaged) with the E-11 (Versatile) and then add the DLT-20A dice to the attack pool with arsenal 2, even if the second weapon does not have the versatile keyword?

Additionally does this count as 2 attacks for the sake of Hunter generating aim tokens?

Thanks for the help!


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14 hours ago, Fenix21 said:

If IG-88 is engaged in melee, my understanding is that he is able to perform a melee attack and fire his modified E-11 blaster as that weapon has versatile and he has Arsenal 2.

Correct! IG-88 may make form two attack pools thanks to Arsenal 2, and may use the E-11 ranged weapon while engaged thanks to the Versatile keyword.

14 hours ago, Fenix21 said:

Given the wording of Arsenal 2, Can he perform a ranged attack (while engaged) with the E-11 (Versatile) and then add the DLT-20A dice to the attack pool with arsenal 2, even if the second weapon does not have the versatile keyword?

No. Only weapons with the Versatile keyword may be selected when performing ranged attacks while engaged.

14 hours ago, Fenix21 said:

Additionally does this count as 2 attacks for the sake of Hunter generating aim tokens?

Yes, each time the Reroll Attack Dice step is reached (twice in this case if forming two attack pools), if the target unit is wounded, an aim token may be gained from the Hunter upgrade card.

Hope this helps,

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