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Hello there, if I attack a unit of Ewok that has cover and one dodge token, with a mandalorian super comando missiles that has blast, then:

- Ewoks can't cancel hits from cover due to blast, but in the same apply cover and dodge step, they use a dodge to cancel a hit, do the low profile triggers allowing the ewoks to cancel an aditional hit?

- Or since the blast saids that the defending unit cannot use cover to cancel hits, the low profile doesn't proc after using a dodge token to cancel a hit?

Thank you!

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5 hours ago, Dsolt said:

- Ewoks can't cancel hits from cover due to blast, but in the same apply cover and dodge step, they use a dodge to cancel a hit, do the low profile triggers allowing the ewoks to cancel an aditional hit?

Apply Dodge and Apply Cover are each sub-steps under Apply Dodge & Cover in the attack timing. Spending a dodge token to cancel a hit does not occur during the Apply Cover sub-step. Low Profile only applies if a unit has cover and uses it to block one or more hits during the Apply Cover sub-step. As such, an Ewok unit will not benefit from Low Profile when defending against an attack containing weapons with the Blast keyword.

Refer to page 30 of the core rulebook for the full breakdown of these steps.

5 hours ago, Dsolt said:

- Or since the blast saids that the defending unit cannot use cover to cancel hits, the low profile doesn't proc after using a dodge token to cancel a hit?

That is correct.

Hope this helps,

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