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I tried looking for answers to these questions, but couldn’t find anything. Apologies if this has been cleared up elsewhere.

When is pierce applied for the purposes of calculating Impervious and how does it work exactly (my question in 3 parts):

Part 1:
If a unit with Pierce 3 attacks a unit with Impervious, but only 1x hit goes through - does the defender:

a) Roll 4x defense dice (1 + 3 for Impervious) and can the attacker choose to cancel up to 3x shields.


b) Roll 2x (1 + 1 for impervious) defense dice because only 1x hit got through, therefore only 1x Pierce can be applied?

Part 2:

Does the attacker need to declare how much Pierce is applied to the attack pool BEFORE the attack dice are rolled or afterwards?

Part 3:

If the attacker decides to only use Pierce 1 in an attack pool, but the weapon has a total of Pierce 3, does the defender with Imperious roll 1x or 3x additional defense dice?

Thanks for you help!

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3 hours ago, Crrafty said:

a) Roll 4x defense dice (1 + 3 for Impervious) and can the attacker choose to cancel up to 3x shields.

This one. As stated under Impervious: the defending unit will roll additional defense dice equal to the total Pierce X value of weapons in the attack pool.

3 hours ago, Crrafty said:

Does the attacker need to declare how much Pierce is applied to the attack pool BEFORE the attack dice are rolled or afterwards?

The attacker may cancel up to X successes with Pierce X. They do not need to declare prior to the Modify Defense Dice step their intent to use none, some, or all of their Pierce.

3 hours ago, Crrafty said:

If the attacker decides to only use Pierce 1 in an attack pool, but the weapon has a total of Pierce 3, does the defender with Imperious roll 1x or 3x additional defense dice?

The defender will roll additional dice equal to the Pierce X value of weapons in the attack pool. It does not matter how “much” Pierce the attacker ultimately applies.

Hope this helps,

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