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Can a unit like Obi-Wan spend a dodge Token outside of the the Apply Dodge and Cover step to aktivate his mastery/surge to block even if the attackpool has high velocity?

I know from an older post it is possible to activate a mastery without declining a Hit (only crits rolled).

Thanks for your time.

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10 hours ago, firefly00989 said:

Can a unit like Obi-Wan spend a dodge Token outside of the the Apply Dodge and Cover step to aktivate his mastery/surge to block even if the attackpool has high velocity?


No. If the attack pool contains only weapons with the High Velocity keyword, the defending unit cannot spend dodge tokens. There is no alternative timing for spending dodge tokens while defending against an attack.

10 hours ago, firefly00989 said:

I know from an older post it is possible to activate a mastery without declining a Hit (only crits rolled).

The difference here is that when an attack results in only crits, there is no game effect that prevents a unit from spending dodge tokens. The High Velocity keyword prevents dodge tokens from being spent, whether or not they are used to cancel a hit.

Hope this helps,

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