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There's a touch of confusion on if Infiltrate and Scout can overlap. Wording wise, Infiltrate states that it triggers at the start of a unit's activation, allowing you to place them anywhere in your territory. Scout states that at the start of a unit's perform action steps, if it activated undeployed, it can deploy using a free speed x move.
the confusion comes from whether you can 'be deployed' multiple ways at once- if you can deploy through infiltrate and then scout move for a 'free' move. Obviously understandable if not but thought it was worth asking.

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Hi there,

Infiltrate reads, in brief: "At the start of an undeployed unit with the Infiltrate keywords activation, it may deploy by placing the unit leader of that unit within friendly territory."

Scout X reads, in brief: "When an undeployed unit with the Scout X keyword activates, at the start of its Perform Actions step, it may deploy by performing a free speed-X move action..."

These are very near timings, but not identical, and can be parsed using the "Parts of a Unit's Activation." Infiltrate is resolved in step 1: Resolve Abilities or Effects at the Start of a Unit's Activation. Scout X is resolved in step 3: Perform Actions.


Putting these together, a unit with both Scout X and Infiltrate may deploy using either keyword, but not both. First, they will be given an opportunity to deploy using Infiltrate. If they opt not to, they may deploy using Scout X. If they (for some reason) opt not to, they will deploy using one of their two actions, performing a move action onto the table as normal.


On 7/18/2024 at 11:50 PM, madmanrambler said:

the confusion comes from whether you can 'be deployed' multiple ways at once- if you can deploy through infiltrate and then scout move for a 'free' move.

A unit may have multiple game effects or keywords to deploy available to it, but it can only deploy once. As above, the unit may Infiltrate at the appropriate timing, above; it may Scout X shortly thereafter, if it does not deploy using Infiltrate.

Hope this helps,

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