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Soresu mastery now states that "When a unit with Soresu Mastery is defending against a ranged 
attack, it may reroll all of its defense dice during the Reroll 
Defense Dice step". Does this mean we have to reroll all dice at once if we do not like the total result or can we reroll each dice/blank, up to all dice during the reroll defense dice step?  


Additionally, when using guardian with soresu mastery, when a dodge token is spent to gain surge to block, does spending that dodge token still cancel out one non-critical hit?


Best regards!

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Hi there,

2 hours ago, UnholyPlatypus said:

Soresu mastery now states that "When a unit with Soresu Mastery is defending against a ranged 
attack, it may reroll all of its defense dice during the Reroll 
Defense Dice step". Does this mean we have to reroll all dice at once if we do not like the total result or can we reroll each dice/blank, up to all dice during the reroll defense dice step?  

Obi-Wan may reroll all defense dice. Applying the Soresu Mastery keyword is optional, but how many dice he rerolls if doing so is not! This is a "full redo"; he will reroll all his defense dice.

2 hours ago, UnholyPlatypus said:

Additionally, when using guardian with soresu mastery, when a dodge token is spent to gain surge to block, does spending that dodge token still cancel out one non-critical hit?

Spending a dodge token to reroll defense dice rolled while using Guardian does not cancel a hit. The dodge token is being spent for the unique effect given in the Soresu Mastery keyword.

Hope this helps,

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