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"At the start of a unit with the AI keyword’s Perform Actions step, if it is on the battlefield, does not have a faceup order token, and is not at 3 of a friendly commander unit, it must perform one of the specified actions as its first action that activation."


As per my understanding, does it mean you need to satisfactory accomplish 3 conditions to not apply the AI?


1 - The unit has to be on the battlefield 

2 - It must have a faceup order token.

3 - Be within range 3 of a commander.


Or is it understood as you only need one of this to not suffer the AI?


Thanks in advance! 😃 



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Hi there,

4 minutes ago, Eclipsium said:

"At the start of a unit with the AI keyword’s Perform Actions step, if it is on the battlefield, does not have a faceup order token, and is not at 3 of a friendly commander unit, it must perform one of the specified actions as its first action that activation."

Emphasis mine. If all three of the listed items are true, the unit will suffer the effects of its AI keyword. If any of them are false (e.g., it is not on the battlefield, it does have an order, or it is at range 3 of a friendly commander), then it will not be affected by its AI keyword.

Hope this helps,

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