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Do the rules Demoralize and Inspire both work the same now besides Demoralize activating after your rally step and Inspire working after your activation? Also, when Inspire activates, do you select X tokens and remove them or do you remove X tokens from every unit within the radius?

Edited by Putki
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  • Putki changed the title to How do the rules Demoralize and Inspire work?

Hi there,

1 hour ago, Putki said:

Do the rules Demoralize and Inspire both work the same now besides Demoralize activating after your rally step and Inspire working after your activation?

Inspire occurs at the end of the unit's activation. Demoralize occurs after a unit's Rally step. Please refer to both Unit Keyword entries for the full rules text of each keyword.


1 hour ago, Putki said:

Also, when Inspire activates, do you select X tokens and remove them or do you remove X tokens from every unit within the radius?

Inspire X will remove X suppression tokens, total, chosen from among other friendly units at range 2.

Hope this helps,

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