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If i were to play Krennic's  Annihilation Looms Command Card, when can players activate the bottom scoring section.  Is it right after assigning suppression to all units or is it after resolving the command card(including giving orders, which might trigger discplined which would prevent someone from scoring) ?  Bascially does Krennic's command card just give both players 2 points if Bring them to heel is the secondary? 

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"Once per round, per player, when a unit gains a suppression token, the opposing player may mark one of their unmarked zones..." Either player may decide to mark their unmarked space anytime a unit gains suppression.

Note that suppression from Annihilation Looms occurs during the the Resolving Command Card Effects of the Command Phase; specifically, during the sub-step for command card effects that do not have a specific timing. The Disciplined keyword is resolved after a unit is issued an order, which will be during the Nominate Commander and Issue Orders step of the Command Phase.

As Annihilation Looms is resolved first, the Bring Them to Heel zone may be marked and therefore scored prior to Disciplined removing any suppression tokens.

Hope this helps,

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