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Posts posted by ckdragons

  1. Does ATP still receive a calculate token when MF is used?

    Automated Targeting Priority: While you perform an attack, you must choose a defender at the closest valid attack range. After you perform an attack that missed, place 1 calculate token on this card. Before you engage, you may remove 1 calculate token from this card to gain a matching token.

    Munitions Failsafe: While you perform a torpedo or missile attack, after rolling attack dice, you may cancel all dice results to recover 1 charge you spent as a cost for the attack.

    This would suggest that ATP does not trigger when MF is used because the attack is cancelled.

    Please confirm, thank you.


  2. A ship gets ionized during the System phase (a Conner Net was dropped on it). Does the ship perform an ionized maneuver during its activation the same turn? Or does it perform it's maneuver as set during the Planning phase, making the ionized maneuver in the next round?

    When is a ship considered no longer ionized after it performs an ionized maneuver? End of its activation, end of Activation phase, or end of Turn?


  3. Assuming a ship ended its previous turn on an obstacle, does that ship suffer the effect of the obstacle on the following turn if:

    1. The ship's leading edge is outside the edge of the obstacle. Thus, the movement template would not be placed on obstacle during the Movement Phase.

    2. The ship's leading edge is still on the obstacle. The movement template would be place on a portion of the obstacle during the Movement Phase.

    I'm unsure of the answers to the above because of the rule Before a ship moves, if it is at range 0 of an obstacle, it does not suffer the effects of that obstacle unless it moves through or overlaps that obstacle again.


  4. Found this question in a Redit post and there were 2 different answers. Hoping for an official ruling as I actually used this during my last game.

    When flying Darth Vader in the Defender, can he use the Force to change just a blank to a hit, or can he use Force to change more than one blank to a hit. I'm asking if he can change 3 blanks to 3 hits if he uses 3 Force.

    How many force tokens can be spent to use an ability during a phase?


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