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Posts posted by Sleboda

  1. I know from previous rulings that when an ability says "this" character, it means the character whose card has the ability. 

    I can't see a general overall rule about "other" character.

    Hondo's ability "Fair? What's Fair?" says "... if the defender is Engaged with one or more characters in other allied units ..."

    Is "other" in this case in reference to "other than Hondo" or "other than the character with whom the defender is Engaged?"

    To put it more broadly, if the word "other" appears in abilities like this, is it treated like "this" is treated, meaning it is always self-referential to the character whose card has the ability printed on it?

    I know that "this" and "other" are different words, but both are used in ability text and both reference a character (this one, or the other one), so it feels like consistency would indicate "other" means "a character other than the one where this ability is printed on its card" just as "this" means "the character where this ability is printed on its card."

  2. Wicket, Intrepid Warriors has no Supporting Unit within Range 3.

    Can he still use Lead the Charge?

    For reference, the rule states 

    "... choose an enemy unit in LOS and an allied Ewok Supporting Unit within R3..."

    You then get to do stuff, but the specifics don't matter here.

    It looks like the ability requires the player to choose both of two things because of the plain language meaning of "and." You must choose this and that.

    It doesn't say, for example "Choose an enemy and, if possible, an Ewok Supporting Unit" or "Choose an enemy and, optionally, an Ewok Supporting Unit."

    If you cannot do both (choose this "and" that) you cannot satisfy the rule's initial requirement, which means you cannot execute the rest of the rule. Correct?

  3. I just noticed what I think is an interesting distinction and wanted to check my understanding.

    On page 28 of the Feb '24 rules there is this section:

    "As a Pushed or Pulled object moves along the range tool, it stops if it contacts a terrain feature that is at the same or higher Elevation than the Pushed or Pulled object or if it would contact or overlap another character’s base. Ignore terrain parts the Pushed or Pulled object started the movement on top of when determining when a Pushed or Pulled object stops."

    I had not previously noticed that the rule appears to allow a model to be Pushed/Pulled the full length 'over' terrain features at a lower elevation, but does not allow the same 'over' (overlapping) a character at a lower elevation.

    I believe this means that Jango could not use Capture Wire to Pull the B2 along the highlighted path in the picture below. Is that correct?


  4. In prep for an upcoming casual event (Adepticon league), I've been going through the Core Rules with a fine tooth comb. I really don't want to make a mistake and cheat my opponents. That's just the worst feeling.

    I was reading the Attack Example on page 33 of the Feb '24 rules, and saw that the attacker was putting Direct effects on the defender as the Options were selected, in order. I then remembered that the rules on page 14, under Expertise, say "All effects that are not adding dice results, modifying dice results, adding damage, or adding or negating effects of the attack are applied after the attack is resolved."

    It seems to be making a distinction between when to apply effects like Shoves, Disarms, etc. from Options as opposed to Expertise.

    So, do we hold off on Shoves, etc. from Expertise until after the attack is resolved (steps 10A and 10B), but apply them immediately within the Options as they are a selected (Step 8)?

  5. The Question: Are Active Abilities that are used beause of an Option in a Combat Tree resolved between the application of Damage from the Damage Pool and Personal Effects from Expertise?

    The reason for the question:
    Page 14 of the current (Feb '24) rules, under the section regarding effect icons on Expertise charts, says "Entries may be resolved in any order, but note that Personal effects (see page 32) are always resolved after all Directed effects have been resolved and the Damage Pool has been applied to the defending character."

    So, we see that three things are applied, in order. First, resolve Directed effects. Then, apply the damage from the Damage Pool. Then apply Personal effects.

    Clear enough.

    Later, on page 32, under the section detailing how to use Personal Effect Icons in Options on the Combat Trees, it says "When Active (icon) effects appear in a chosen Combat Tree Option, they are resolved after all Directed effects have been resolved and the Damage pool has been applied to the defending character."

    This certainly has to imply 'immediately/the next thing' after the Damage pool is applied, rather than 'anytime, sometime after.' I mean, you can't delay applying personal effects until three turns later and then claim "Hey, it's still after ... just not right after and the rules don't state 'right' after. Gotchya!" 🙂

    As we see above, there are three elements to resolve - Direct effects, then Damage Pool damage, and then Personal effects.

    It appears that we are being told to resolve Active abilities from Combat Tree Options before resolving Personal effects.

    So, that's the background for the question.

    Thanks for your attention.

  6. It looks like Stormtroopers Expose themselves when they use For the Empire.

    The ability says "Then this unit gains !." That feels very much akin to the "this unit" on Cad Bane's "I'll take any job ..." ability, which brought up the answer your team provided previously (linked below) where it was ruled that "this" on an ability refers to the unit associated with the card.


    (And thanks!)



  7. Interestingly, that would mean the two characters here do not have Line of Sight between them. Looking top down (as the game does it that way, not using True LoS), there is blocking terrain at a higher elevation than the characters. Looking at 'eye level' like many experienced wargamers are used to, it feels clear that they can see each other, but they can't.

    The same thing happens "through" the gap on the High Ground terrain pack tower where there is an open doorway that characters can see through using TLoS, but can't see through in the rules.

    At least, that's what we understand in reading the rules. Are we right?



  8. Hi there,

    Just checking to see if I understand the timing of Crimson Dynamo's 2 Power superpower, Disruption Field.

    An enemy attack meets the criteria, so the Dynamo's player opts to use Disruption Field. That player spends 2 Power.

    The other player rolls their Attack dice, triggering all extras such as Criticals and effects from, for example, Wilds (thinking M.O.D.O.K.'s AIM leadership here). This leads to the attacker getting a pile of extra successes.


    At that point, Dynamo's player can reroll two of the attacker's dice. The best the Dynamo player could hope for is to make two attack dice turn into failures of some sort, right?

    Do I have the timing sequence correctl?

  9. I'm struggling to wrap my head around whether or not a Terrain Feature that has no subdivisions is simultaneously a Terrain Part.


    This matters for the following section of the LoS rules:

    "The line cannot 
    pass through Blocked terrain features with a higher Elevation than 
    the character. If the object is on top of a terrain part, the line can 
    pass unobstructed through all terrain parts with the same or lower 
    Elevation as the object."


    I was watching a video where the shooting character was on the battlefield and the target object was on a gantry on the opposite side of a standard small Shatterpoint building. There was no line that could be drawn between them without crossing through the building (blocked terrain).


    Both the gantry and the building were of the same elevation.

    The first part of the quote above would indicate that the shot is not possible as it passes only through the blocked terrain feature.

    The second part of the quote would indicate that the shot is possible IF a terrain feature is also always a terrain part.


    I know players can agree to whatever they want, but I think they need to know the base rule before they can agree if they are suspending that rule or simply playing by it.



  10. On 11/7/2023 at 6:23 AM, Thoras said:

    Model conversion rules are found in the organized play documents.

    The current version of those rules is as follows.

    Each player must have the miniature for each character in their strike team. Players are allowed to customize their miniatures as they like but must follow these guidelines:
    1. The miniature must be made from a majority of Atomic Mass Games miniature parts from the Shatterpoint miniatures line.
    2. The miniature must be easily identifiable as the character it represents.
    3. Players may not customize a miniature in such a way that any part of the miniature represents the intellectual property of any party except Lucasfilm, including copyrighted logos, symbols, iconic elements, or other iconography.
    4. The size or pose of a customized miniature cannot interfere with game play.
    5. Miniatures must always be attached to an Atomic Mass Games base or a modeled base that is the appropriate size and shape of the original miniature.

    Point 4 is most likely to be the point you are looking for.

    Whether any particular conversion falls afoul of point number 4 is up to the event organizers hosting the event.

    My mistake. I should have been more specific. I'm not asking for events. I'm asking for guidance in 'basement games' so to speak. That's kind of what I was getting at work my acknowledgement that players can agree to do whatever they want.

    Is it fair to say that the info you provided above, in particular point 4* represents how AMG views modeling for advantage even in non-event games?

    *Interestingly, even that point could be argued by a cantankerous player to not prevent conversions that reduce the physical presence of the model since that does the opposite of interfering - it opens up play options.

    Much appreciated!

  11. After having just reread the rules again, the only reference I've found to the physical positioning of models with respect to their form and the space around them is this from page 25:

    "If a character’s miniature can’t physically fit 
    underneath, balance on top of, or fit inside 
    a terrain feature, the character cannot end 
    a movement there."

    While I know that players are free to agree to any rules they want, is there standardized guidance on converting models? For example, is it permissible to mount Grievous on his base without the statue remains and with his cape and lightsabers 'pulled in' to get him to fit in places more easily?



  12. Just curious-

    Is that because, even though the trigger for both effects is the same, one is a Reaction and the other is an Identity?


    If both were, hypothetically, Reactions, only one could be used because the triggering event (Wounded by enemy) is the same, correct?


    Also, this same reasoning applies if, instead of Ahsoka, it were Talzin with her Wrath of the Great Mother, right? Both could get used in response to Vader getting Wounded, despite the triggering event being the same?

  13. On 9/24/2023 at 9:44 PM, Thoras said:

    It sounds like there is an assumption that because the crate is on the gantry, it has to be a part of the same terrain feature as the gantry.

    Players are free to define the crates as a separate terrain feature if they want them to have the functionality of stopping a push or pull though.

    It's easy to imagine that one group of players treats crates as parts whereas another treats them as pieces. Players in each group get used to how the game is "supposed to be" played. Then they meet up and bam! disagreement. It's just such a bummer to have this be the case.

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