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Posts posted by Matthews1802

  1. If grunts are not on the table but are summoned in with daredevils or Elektra's attack mid way through an activation (or other means) do they get effected by Omega Red's Death spores Superpower or is it the parent modals activation at this stage and they would only be effected by death spores if they start on the board and end their turn within R2 of Omega Red. 

  2. If X-23 or Honey badger is moved by an attack (Dr stranges bolts of bedevilment) and pushed (moved) out of range of big sis little sis (BSLS) does this still allow them to use the superpower BSLS ? 


    Does the check for the range happen when it is damaged or when the attack is resolved ? I know the movement is after attack is resolved but not sure on the check for the eligibility of it.

  3. If a character with a throw (or other types of damage) on an attack hits a Winter Guard character and they get damage from the throw as well as the attack it's self how many triggers of Winter Rush would you get ? 


    Example: thanos uses his builder into Ursa and gets a wild for the throw, then Ursa is thrown into a terrigan piece and takes a damage (as it was before damage is dealt) then Ursa takes damage for the attack itself. 

    Would this be one trigger or two ? 

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