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Posts posted by Tanker

  1. I have some confusion about deflect and interactions with fire support:

    1) A unit is performing a ranged attack, plus fire support from another unit

    2) The target is a unit with the deflect keyword (and a dodge)

    3) Attacker forms the attack pool, rolls multiple successful hits, dodge, cover, etc are applied

    4) Defender rolls and at least one result is a surge on the defense dice

    A - Which attacking unit (the active unit or the fires supporting one) takes the deflect wound?

    B - If the defender rolls with deflect activated and the result is more deflects than wounds remaining in the active unit, do wounds carry over to the fire-supporting unit or are they lost? This could happen quite easily with a one or two mini unit activated, with a full squad with a heavy weapon (Clones) fire supporting.

    Thank you!

  2. Greetings.

    On the Raiding Party Leader card, it says "Each friendly [Mercenary Affiliation Symbol] Vehicle unit gains DEMORALIZE 1..."

    If I have the Speeder Truck with the Raiding Party Leader and 3 Swoop Units...Does that mean the Truck, plus all 3 Swoop units get Demoralize 1 since the Swoops and the Truck all have the Mercenary Affiliation and are vehicles?

    Thank you!

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