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Posts posted by BigBlake

  1. Red skull has an passive called cut off one head that states: if an allied Hydra trooper is not in play when this character is chosen to activate,place them in play within 1 of this character They gain the stagger condition and are part of your squad.


    The question is how does the timing work here?

    Scenario A: red skull is chosen to activate, there are no Hydra grunts on the field so cut off their head triggers and they are created within 1 with a stagger condition. The parent/child rules kick in and the grunt always goes before the parent so the grunts would then clear staggers and take one action then redskull would activate.


    Scenario B: red skull is chosen to activate and there are no Hydra grunts in play. Cut off the head triggers and a grunt is out in play with a stagger condition. Since redskull has already been chosen to activate and triggered COOH the grunts do not get an activation this turn, they would have to wait a while round before clearing the stagger and getting one action?



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