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Everything posted by ArtificerAlf

  1. Can Mother Talzin Manipulating Hand a Pinned enemy character and still have the Dash resolve, or would it remove the Pinned condition instead? The wording of Pinned suggests that the character Talzin is manipulating would just remove the Pin. The same for a Talzin trying to Manipulating Hand a Strained character. Would they dash, take 3 damage, and remove the Strained condition, per the rules wording? Thank you!
  2. I realize this may be a moot topic, since I'm arguing with a player about Rules as Written, but trying to find the design thought process. The Wounded token and a Unit's Durability use the same graphic (the heartbeat icon). When a character takes damage, if they have sustained damage equal to or greater than their Stamina (same graphic as Heal), they get a Wounded token and become Wounded. At the start of their next activation, the Wounded token flips to Injured (blast damage graphic), and all damage and 1 condition is removed. If they have a number of Injured tokens equal to their Stamina, they are defeated after their next activation. I've tried to explain that the Injured token represents blasts on armor, etc, while the Wounded token is a reminder that they are winded/taking vitals (hence the heartbeat graphic). The counterpoint is that Durability is the same icon as Wounded, so their thought process is "three Wounded tokens matches the 3 next to the same icon on the Hero card, which tells me when they are removed". Am I missing something more obvious? Debating rules as written drives me crazy, especially when it's literally stubbornness that will only create confusion regarding the game state.
  3. The rules document talks about ranges being in inches, but there's nothing about the Height of buildings/terrain and how this affects movement. I assume the range tools are still used for determining terrain height and movement? For example, Height 1 = less than or equal to 1 Range tool = less than or equal to 6 inches? Asking due to my love of 3d combat and climbing on tops of buildings and urban terrain. Thanks!
  4. Does it matter what figure is used for a squad so long as the named weapons are correct? For example, in the Rebel Troopers squad the DLT-20A Rebel Trooper is the only one specified - all the others are "Rebel Trooper". Could I use the SX-21 Rebel Trooper as one of my troopers, using the Rebel Trooper Spec Ops unit card? I ask because I'd like to be able to customize my squad to have some more of the aliens on the Rebel side. In a similar line of questioning, the Rebel Trooper Captain could either be the default captain with the electrobinoculars or the Ishi Tib Rebel Captain, correct? I realize a home game can allow whatever, but I'm not sure what the rules will be if stores start running game nights, etc. Thank you!
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