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Posts posted by Mc1gamer

  1. So Mystique has a power that prevents use of TTC and reactive powers during her activation.  Once this Leadership TTC is played at the start of the game, granting the leadership ability to either Logan or Laura with tokens that afford rerolls, is the use of those tokens later in the game inhibited by Mystique if she is attacking a Weapon X character? It seems to me the reactive nature of this card is the playing of it initially and once done, the Leadership is active while the assigned character is in play and using the tokens would be like any other Leadership, that wouldn't be affected and pevented by Shapeshifter. Can you please confirm? Would be rather excessive to have to use a TTC to access a leadership and also have it not be used after it is playd already. Thanks!

  2. So just for a recent opponent:

    A)confirming that Mystique's Shapeshifter ability counters X-ceptional healing in that if it's Mystique's activation and she attacks a character with access to X-ceptional Healing, they cannot use it, but it isn't expended. 

    B)Shapeshifter cannot be Shhh'd or No More Mutants because it is innate/always on and not reactive or active.

    Wish either version Wolverine could overcome Shapeshifter with his heightened senses 😞 He always is a counter to that in the comics, even the movies lol.

  3. Can Magneto gain his Mystic Defense vs these effects? He can be thrown, as indicated, but does his Force Projection still apply for dodging still?

    Also, can Thor, and any other character then with a superpower throw, or any other character with similarly worded ability, still throw Magneto since it's not part of an attack action? Does any superpower that has an attack followed by a throw also work on Magneto? Thanks

  4. The new Wolverine is actually Logan, The Wolverine. So, I'm expecting that Cowboy Hat Wolvie cannot use the tactic cards from the original MCP character (Spandex Wolvie), ie Fastball Special, Jean!!!, Weapon X Program? FYI, we've 100% seen him in his leather jacket/jeans look getting thrown (in the comics and in the movies), and the new affiliation (Weapon-X) is essentially in the title of one of the other cards. Any chance? 😜 

  5. When Loki uses Trickster, or any reaction ability where you can advance a distance like SamCap's leadership, Avengers Assemble, Slippery, etc, can the character climb across obstacles as part kf this move if they don't have flight and the terrain is larger than their height? Would flight natter here, and would the terrain size matter if it were the same size or smaller. My meaning is that an advance is different than climb so can they climb with these bonus or reactive move options? Thanks

  6. So I had a situation where I was playing Wakanda and up against A-Force and She-Hulk was KO'd earlier in the round, but not yet removed from the board. The next highest threat for my opponent was Cap Marvel and Medusa, both 4 threats. Kilmonger, who activates later in the round, plays Usurp the Throne and takes out Cap Marvel, scoring enough pts with the bonus from the card to win the game (a very close game btw!). We ruled in the moment that this was allowed, because She-Hulk, clearly the highest threat at the start of the game, was now essentially KO'd earlier in the round. Can Kilmonger choose another character as his choice when he later in the round plays this card? Thanks!

  7. Tactic Cards with Active listed. Are these restricted to the character you choose to activate on your turn, or can you use them at any point? For example can I Field Dressing a dazed character (used by another), then activate the now undazed, uncheck-marked character and then Medpack him/her? I'm sure there are other examples, but curious if Active specifically means it must be used by/on the character you activate. There are lots of things you can do before/during and after a character is activated on your turn. Thanks!

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