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Posts posted by fingerguns

  1. If the momentum token is on zero, a player scores no points and the token doesn’t physically move, does it count as moving for the purpose of triggering the momentum add for both players?

    Ex: Struggle 3’s opening turn, Obi-Wan attacks Dooku, is unable to trigger a push on his attack tree, and cannot gain control of the point. Obi-Wan’s controlling player scores zero, the momentum tracker stays at zero. Do both players get momentum? 


  2. Iron bound books is an active tactics card that provides allied characters the ability to change a physical attack to mystic when targeted.

    Mystique’s Shapeshifter innate power prevents reactive super powers and tactics cards from being played during her activation.

    Is there any interaction between Iron Bound Books’ option to change an attack from Physical to Mystic, and Mystique’s Shapeshifter innate power?

    Does Mystique’s shapeshifter innate power have any bearing on innate super powers during her turn?

    Example: A convocation player has Iron Bound Books active. Mystique attacks Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme, who changes to the attack to mystic. Mystique’s shapeshifter ability does not stop The changing of the attack type allowed by Iron Bound Books. Further, Dr. Strange’s rolling mystic defense against the now mystic attack allows him to use his innate power, Mystic Armor or Strange. Is this example correct?

  3. Scenario: a miniature on a 35mm base is between two Web Warriors miniatures that are within range 3 of each other.  The web warriors choose to play Web Barrier and meet the requirements.  The 35mm based miniature is between them, effectively centrally between them in all relevant axes. 

    (1) Is the "straight line" drawn between the two relevant Web Warriors from any point on their bases, or from the closest point to the closest point? (Particularly relevant if one or more of the playing Web Warriors is on a larger base; e.g.: Amazing Spider-Man and/or Venom are the playing models.

    (2) If all three models are functionally aligned, effectively forming a straight line at all points, with the middle miniature effectively central between them, is there any point on the middle mini's base (the non-web warrior, who is being affected by the barrier) where a movement tool can be laid without overlapping the barrier?  Specifically, perfect alignment not withstanding, considering a situation where a miniscule portion of the circular base lies beyond any straight line drawn and the tool can be placed in a way that some part of the tool is not within the line, but the nubs of the tool would overlap the line. 

  4. Mysterio attacks with his hypnosis gas, triggering a movement. 

    14a: mysterio moves a character with aggressive.

    Mysterio interrupts the attack sequence by reacting with tricks and traps. 

    Tricks and traps does one damage, Mysterio moves.

    14b aggressive triggers, aggressive character moves towards mysterio’s new position.

    Mysterio has another opportunity to trigger trips and traps again from aggressive move.

    The attack is over.

    Is this sequence correct?

    Could other triggers also interrupt the attack sequence at the same trigger as mysterio? (E.g.: Mysterio, Cassandra Nova’s psychic distraction and/or Rocket’s booby traps all firing off the same movement trigger.)


  5. (1) Interacts are free. Is a Defenders portal an interact? (Doesn’t say it is, but has a very similar interaction.)

    (2) can you interact with a container while already holding a symbiote? If so, what is the result if you draw a symbiote from the deck? (Drawing a Sonic cannon seems clear)

    (3) can the klyntar beacon be stolen by steal/drop effects (amora’s kiss, black cat, venom blast, sin leadership, etc.), or passed by CS leadership?

  6. Under measurement, on page 8 at the time of asking, the rule book gives some great guidance for measuring distance. 

    For ease of reference: "Any distance that is measured using a measurement tool can be measured at any time, but players may only use one range tool and one movement tool at a time when making measurements during the game."  And later, "When measuring distance, place the appropriate tool with its end in contact with the object or characters base being measured from - the object or character making the attack or using the relevant action or ability."

    Is there a difference between measuring and premeasuring when applying these rules?  Effectively, is "premeasuring" bound by these same rules of measuring distance?  Is it required to attach the end in contact with an object or character and a specific attack, action or ability to measure? 

    Or can this be as simple as you can you "premeasure" anything at any time, so long as you stick to the one of each tool rule?

  7. If I am measuring range 3 from a mini, and also trying to measure range 1 from another point on the board, can I use a movement tool to mark the edge of the range 3, put my range 3 ruler away and then use a range ruler to establish range 1 from another point, while using the movement tool as a reference for the previously measured range 3 distance?

    (1) By my understanding, this sort of measurement would be illegal in the case of a move, explicitly because the movement would still have to be measured using a movement tool, it could not be "eyeballed" per the below ruling on movement.


    (2) What about in the case of a placement that does not require a movement tool, such as Thanos's Cosmic Portal, Storm's X-Men Gold or Medusa's Royal Decree - can a movement tool be used to mark a place on the board that has been premeasured using a range tool?  Because no movement tool is involved, the movement tool is not needed.  If a movement tool is used to mark the edge of a Range tool, the movement tool is not being used for an effect called for by the rules, and effectively provides the same information that using two range tools would provide.


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