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Arboreal Assault states that the weapons of units that have a faceup order token gain suppressive and immobilize 1 this round.  Do their weapons keep this effect even if they lose their face up order token from some game effect before they activate like from Pinned Down, Delaying Tactics, They Too Will Suffer, and/or Tactical Planning?  Or, so long as they had a face up order initially, their weapons keep the suppressive and immobilize keywords for the round, even if they lose the face up before they activate?

Thanks for your time!

-The Tribe

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For a unit's weapons to gain the keywords specified on Arboreal Assault the round it is played, they must have a face-up order token. If this face-up order token is removed, such as by one of the specified game effects, they will no longer gain Immobilize 1 and Suppressive.

Hope this helps,

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