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Hello there, 

Ahsoka Tano's 3-pip card, A New Beginning, states that, when Ahsoka Tano issues an order to a small-base trooper unit, that unit may gain either one dodge token or one aim token. When Ahsoka issues an order to herself, as required by the card, would she also benefit from this effect, since she is herself a small-base trooper unit? In such a case, she would presumably then gain one dodge token from Defend 1 and either one dodge token or one aim token from the card? 

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Yes, Ahsoka Tano will qualify for the tokens granted by her A New Beginning command card, as she is issuing an order to a small-base trooper unit (herself!). Yes, with the Defend 1 keyword she will end up with more than one green token.

Hope this helps,

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