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Promote rules state that "If a player has no trooper units with a unit leader to promote and does not control a unit with the Field Commander keyword with a commander token, then they no longer have a (commander icon) unit and cannot play Command Cards."

so, the question is in a situation where a field commander without a commander token is still alive, and there are no troopers on the field to promote (so you started with a commander and they and all other troopers were defeated). Can generic command cards be played. 

the field commander could be nominated if a card can be played, but the last part of this seems to indicate that you couldn't even play any command card. 

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On 8/11/2023 at 11:28 PM, FatalSwordsmen said:

so, the question is in a situation where a field commander without a commander token is still alive, and there are no troopers on the field to promote (so you started with a commander and they and all other troopers were defeated). Can generic command cards be played. 

In your given scenario, the player may still play command cards, nominating the Field Commander unit as eligible. This will be made more clear in a future update!


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