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In the rules of embarking it says "A trooper unit may make a speed-1 embark or disembark move during a move action instead of making another movement."
"To embark on a vehicle with the Transport X: Closed keyword, a unit must end an embark move with their unit leader in base contact with the vehicle, then sacrifice an action to embark on the vehicle."


Does that means it has to spend 2 actions to make an embark action?

Black Sun makes a attacking into stormtroopers then embarks into a speeder truck

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On 8/20/2023 at 4:49 PM, kevinclow said:

Does that means it has to spend 2 actions to make an embark action?

Yes. The unit must sacrifice an additional action (beyond the embark move action) in order to embark upon a vehicle with the Transport X: Closed keyword.

On 8/20/2023 at 4:49 PM, kevinclow said:

Black Sun makes a attacking into stormtroopers then embarks into a speeder truck

A Black Sun Enforcers unit may not make such an activation with their typical allotment of two actions during their activation, as they have no action to sacrifice when embarking.

Hope this helps,

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