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Emergency stims and Fire support

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Hello, my question is in regards to the interaction of Fire support and emergency stims.

Since E stims states that you take the wounds at the end of the units next activation, if a unit has a faceup order token, takes 2 wounds and uses stims to prevent suffering them immediately and then Fire supports, flipping it's order token facedown, has this unit 1) activated and now takes wounds or 2) not activated and so does not suffer wounds until it next activates.

Furthermore if 2) is correct, a unit that has 2wound tokens on e stims and has not suffered them yet from Fire supporting, if they were "guidanced"to recover, would they then be able to take an additional 2 wounds on stims and suffer the total amount of wounds when they next activated? 

Thanks :)

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A unit flipping its order token facedown to use its Fire Support keyword is not activating. If it has one or more wounds on an equipped copy of the Emergency Stims upgrade card, it will not suffer those wounds until the end of its next activation.

13 minutes ago, Solus said:

Furthermore if 2) is correct, a unit that has 2wound tokens on e stims and has not suffered them yet from Fire supporting, if they were "guidanced"to recover, would they then be able to take an additional 2 wounds on stims and suffer the total amount of wounds when they next activated? 

Yes, if a unit has a readied copy of the Emergency Stims upgrade card, it may exhaust it to suffer additional wounds on it. The card does not have a maximum amount of wounds that may be on it at a time.

Hope this helps,

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