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How do you work out if Death from Above applies if both attacker and defender are on elevated terrain but within the same height band? There is some discussion in my local community about how it works. 

For Example: Geonosian's are on a building, Clones are on a slightly smaller building. Both buildings are over a silhouette but under H1. 

Many Thanks. 

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  • Seth changed the title to Geonosian Warriors - Death from Above


The Death From Above keyword allows the affected unit to ignore cover while its unit leader is overlapping a piece of non-area terrain of greater height than any terrain the defending unit leader is overlapping.

As detailed in Terrain height: 


Each piece of terrain has a height characteristic. To measure this, take the range tool and put one end on the battlefield, orienting the range tool vertically. Then add segments until the end of the range tool is taller than the piece of terrain. The segment of the range tool that the top of the terrain is inside is equal to that object’s height.

Each piece of terrain has a height X value. While two pieces may have different physical heights, if they are both within the same segment of the range tool, they are considered to have the same height for the purposes of most game effects, including the Death From Above keyword.


On 12/20/2023 at 6:53 AM, SouthernDunedain said:

For Example: Geonosian's are on a building, Clones are on a slightly smaller building. Both buildings are over a silhouette but under H1. 

As these buildings (presumably obstacle terrain) are both height 1, the Geonosians will not ignore any cover the clones may have from the other building. Their unit leader would have to be overlapping a piece of non-area terrain of height 2 or greater to be able to ignore cover if the clones are overlapping height 1 terrain.

Hope this helps,

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