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1. Can I spend more than one surge token from my commander? In the battleforce sheet is written "as a free action to spend", so it's not action: spend surge, or is it? If so, can I spend it for a different purpose? Like, move 3 and shoot with additional dice?

2. Can I keep surges on different commanders? I.e. I didn't spend all my surges on STD, so I kept them, and in the next round, I chose Tseries to have surges, and if so, can I spend surges from 2 commanders in one turn?

Best regards,


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Hi there,

3 minutes ago, Berbelek said:

1. Can I spend more than one surge token from my commander? In the battleforce sheet is written "as a free action to spend", so it's not action: spend surge, or is it? If so, can I spend it for a different purpose? Like, move 3 and shoot with additional dice?

A unit cannot perform the same action, free or otherwise, twice during a turn, except a move action. This would include the special free action granted by the Experimental Droids battle force - a unit cannot perform this free action twice in a turn.

6 minutes ago, Berbelek said:

2. Can I keep surges on different commanders? I.e. I didn't spend all my surges on STD, so I kept them, and in the next round, I chose Tseries to have surges, and if so, can I spend surges from 2 commanders in one turn?

Yes, you may nominate a different commander each round to receive 3 surge tokens. Units may only spend tokens off of the chosen commander each round.

Hope this helps,

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