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Hi MassAtomic, please correct if my understanding is wrong.

1. The Command Card “Crush Them” give the issued unit number of Surge tokens equal to defeated enemy unit counting from the start of the game right? Or only counting on the round that this Command Card being play?

2. In 2v2 game, when I play “Crush Them” do I get surge from the enemy unit defeated by my teammate as well? 


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4 hours ago, Hungry said:

1. The Command Card “Crush Them” give the issued unit number of Surge tokens equal to defeated enemy unit counting from the start of the game right? Or only counting on the round that this Command Card being play?

Units will gain surge tokens during the Command Phase for each defeated enemy unit at the time the card is resolved. Units defeated later during that round will not add additional surge tokens to ordered units.

4 hours ago, Hungry said:

2. In 2v2 game, when I play “Crush Them” do I get surge from the enemy unit defeated by my teammate as well? 

The card counts defeated enemy units; it does not specify who defeated them or how they were defeated. Units defeated by other players or by other game effects are therefore included in the count.

Hope this helps,

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