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With the change to the Independent keyword " that unit may gain the listed token(s) or perform the listed action as a free action".

If Ventress had Defensive Stance equipped could she use the dodge action as a free action off her Independent keyword to gain 2 dodge tokens in the activation phase? 

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Hi there,

On 3/2/2024 at 2:36 AM, Rodda said:

With the change to the Independent keyword " that unit may gain the listed token(s) or perform the listed action as a free action".

A unit with Independent will gain X of the listed tokens or perform the listed action as a free action. In the case of Asajj Ventress with Independent: Dodge 1, she will gain 1 dodge token when eligible per the Independent keyword; it does not enable her to perform a dodge action instead and so will not benefit from the effects of the Defensive Stance upgrade card.

Hope this helps,

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