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“You Would Question Me?” Immobilize tokens during fifth brothers activation

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While under the effect of “You would question me” if Fifth Brother gains an immobilize token during his activation through the trigger of allowing Seventh Sister to gain an additional token is that immobilize token removed at the end of his activation? For example if he took the dodge action on his turn and gained an immobilize token to give two aims to seventh sister would he then have his unmodified movement at the start of his next activation the following round assuming no additional immobilize tokens were gained after his activation?

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Hi there,

Immobilize tokens are removed at the end of a unit's activation. This does include immobilize tokens gained during that activation.


On 4/4/2024 at 8:45 PM, KydrixKovan said:

is that immobilize token removed at the end of his activation?


Hope this helps,

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