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Experimental Droids : removing a commander

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Hello ! 


Just wanted to know what happened precisely when the commander of an EXPERIMENTAL BATTLE FORCE was removed from the game (defeated) 

Basically until the End Phase, the battle force has no commander.

Does this also mean that the unspent SURGE TOKENS placed on the Unit Card (as per the battle force Special Rule) of the eliminated commander are just lost, and cannot be used ? It seems logical, but I wanted to check. 


Thank you !

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Hi there,

Eligible units (those of the correct unit type and with the AI keyword) may spend surge tokens off of the chosen Commander provided it is at range 3. In the event a commander is defeated, those surge tokens may not be moved to a new unit, and it will be impossible for other friendly units to measure range 3 to a commander no longer on the table!

37 minutes ago, Zongo said:

Does this also mean that the unspent SURGE TOKENS placed on the Unit Card (as per the battle force Special Rule) of the eliminated commander are just lost, and cannot be used ?

Yes; a unit will be unable to spend surge tokens off of a defeated commander unit's unit card.

Hope this helps,

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