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Hi, I had a question about the use of the 1-pip command card of Cody and the use of a weapon with the Beam keyword such as the ISP twin laser cannons. If i spend one observation token on a Trooper unit, i'll earn suppressive but do the others Defender's wounded by the weapon with beam will suffer an additionnel supression ? 


Thanks in advance !

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Hi there,

On 5/12/2024 at 9:01 PM, Lunixe said:

but do the others Defender's wounded by the weapon with beam will suffer an additionnel supression ? 

No, as these additional attack pools are resolved as separate attacks.

The Infantry Support Platform may spend an observation when it declares an attack to grant that attack the Suppressive or Impact 1 keywords, as eligible. If The Infantry Support Platform declares multiple attacks using the Beam X keyword, it must spend an observation token for each attack pool it wishes to grant the Suppressive keyword.

Hope this helps,

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