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Reptilian rampage allows Bossk to make 2 attack actions. Assuming he is enraged, can those attacks come after moves with charge?



Action 1: shoot

Action 2: move in to melee and attack with charge


 Action 1: move in to melee, attack with charge

 Action 2: attack in melee


Action 1: move in to melee, attack with charge, defeat engaged unit

 Action 2: move in to second unit, attack with charge

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While the Reptilian Rampage command card is in play, Bossk may perform two attack actions. One of these may indeed be a free attack action as a result of a keyword such as Charge.


On 6/28/2024 at 3:31 PM, Gator said:


Action 1: shoot

Action 2: move in to melee and attack with charge


 Action 1: move in to melee, attack with charge

 Action 2: attack in melee


Action 1: move in to melee, attack with charge, defeat engaged unit

 Action 2: move in to second unit, attack with charge

All of these are permissible ways to perform two attack actions.

Hope this helps,

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