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Hello there.

How does the Luke Skywalker command card “you serve your master well” interact with Priority Mission tokens?

A situation arose yesterday and we weren’t sure of how the interaction should play out. We’ll call the Luke player, Player A and the clone player, Player B for the example:


Player A uses “YSYMW” on Player B’s Clone Commandos and has them shoot at another of Player B’s units within range 1 of Player B’s Priority Mission tokens. For this attack, does the unit count as an enemy for the purposes of Priority Mission token and gain Critical 2? Or because it’s not an enemy unit it doesn’t trigger the critical 2? 

Thanks in advance.

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Hi there,

"When a unit with the Complete the Mission keywords attacks an enemy unit at range 1 of a friendly priority mission token, the attacking units unit attack pool gains the Critical 2 keyword."


6 minutes ago, Mykaeus said:

Player A uses “YSYMW” on Player B’s Clone Commandos and has them shoot at another of Player B’s units within range 1 of Player B’s Priority Mission tokens. For this attack, does the unit count as an enemy for the purposes of Priority Mission token and gain Critical 2? Or because it’s not an enemy unit it doesn’t trigger the critical 2? 

As the Clone Commandos are not attacking an enemy (to them) unit, they will not benefit from any priority mission tokens near the defending unit.

Hope this helps,

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