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Given the fact that units start undeployed at the start of round 1, what happens if this card is played on round 1 without beeing divulged? The fact that Cad Bane is not deployed yet, how can you place a Bane token within range 1 of him?

Or does this mean you simply cannot play this card on turn 1?

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Hi there,

9 hours ago, Taiowaa said:

The fact that Cad Bane is not deployed yet, how can you place a Bane token within range 1 of him?

You cannot, and so would not be able to perform this particular effect.

9 hours ago, Taiowaa said:

Or does this mean you simply cannot play this card on turn 1?

This card may be played during the first Command Phase in this way, if desired, without divulging it. If so, you would gain no further effect from the Command Card besides the pips and the orders issued!

Hope this helps,

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