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The rules for moving notched bases state that before taking a standard move, a notched base unit's unit leader may pivot up to 90 degrees before taking the movement, and the rest of the unit pivots in turn. 

Does this apply to vehicles such as the AAT, the AT-ST, etcetera? 

The reason I ask is because the Reposition keyword still exists. How does Reposition function with this new rule? For example, the Persuader Class tank has Reposition; can it pivot both before and after its movement? With the new rules in mind, does Reposition only mean that a unit with that keyword can pivot after a move, as opposed to the new ruling on pivoting while moving notched base units?

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Hi there,

As described in Notched Base Movement, such units may rotate their base up to 90-degrees left or right prior to performing the rest of their standard move. Notably, this is not a pivot move, and so will not trigger game effects following a move, such as the spending of standby tokens; this is simply one step of resolving a standard move for a notched base miniature.

Notched base units with the Reposition keyword may be used in tandem with this free 90-degree turn described above. This may allow them to rotate a total over 180-degrees prior to performing a move (90-degrees from a Reposition pivot, and then 90-degrees from rotation prior to the standard move). Alternatively, they may be sequenced so that such a unit will turn both before the move (with the rotation from the standard move) and perform a pivot after the move (with Reposition).


18 hours ago, 888888888888 said:

Does this apply to vehicles such as the AAT, the AT-ST, etcetera? 

Yes, the AAT Battle Tank and the AT-ST are both examples of notched base units which will be eligible to rotate their base up to 90-degrees, as described in the first step of providing a standard move for such a unit.

18 hours ago, 888888888888 said:

For example, the Persuader Class tank has Reposition; can it pivot both before and after its movement?

Yes, it can rotate prior to the move as well as perform a free pivot action at the end of the move, if it decides to use Reposition at that time.

18 hours ago, 888888888888 said:

With the new rules in mind, does Reposition only mean that a unit with that keyword can pivot after a move, as opposed to the new ruling on pivoting while moving notched base units?

Reposition may still be used prior to performing a standard move. This would allow a notched base unit with the keyword to, effectively, rotate 90-degrees twice before performing the rest of its standard move, as described in the introduction, above.

Hope this helps,

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