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Hello there.

A question about secret mission: the first sentence says “once per game”. Is that once per game per player, or once per game per secret mission unit?


For example, if a player has access to Padmé Amidala and R2D2, can Padmé score secret mission and gain a VP one turn, and then R2D2 score secret mission and the associated VP the next turn.

Or because Padmé scored secret mission and the VP the previous turn, does R2D2 now lose the opportunity to score the VP?

Thanks in advance.

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Hi there,

On 7/20/2024 at 12:07 PM, Mykaeus said:

Is that once per game per player, or once per game per secret mission unit?

Each unit with Secret Mission may gain a secret mission token once per game. This will be made more clear in a future update.

In your example, both Padmé Amidala and R2-D2 may gain a secret mission token during the game, and so the Republic player could earn up to 2 VPs using the keyword that game if it all goes according to plan!

Hope this helps,

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