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Hello there!

If a unit that is assigned an asset panics before being deployed what happens to that asset?

If a unit that is not deployed is still panicked after their rally roll, and therefore not able to move, would they just deploy round 2?

Both of these are possible outcomes after someone plays Annihilation Looms as there round 1 command card and a player’s commander(s) is(are) already deployed and a courage 1 unit is not deployed. 


Edited by Jeroboam
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Hi there,

Units may be assigned suppression tokens (among other tokens) while undeployed, and may become panicked while doing so. Undeployed units will resolve their Rally step as normal to determine their number of actions during their activation, if any!


On 7/23/2024 at 3:55 PM, Jeroboam said:

If a unit that is assigned an asset panics before being deployed what happens to that asset?

Units cannot drop asset tokens while undeployed (as they are beyond any range of the battlefield to place it!). This will be made more clear in a future update.

On 7/23/2024 at 3:55 PM, Jeroboam said:

If a unit that is not deployed is still panicked after their rally roll, and therefore not able to move, would they just deploy round 2?

Correct; if a unit panics while not deployed, they will remain off the battlefield. They may deploy next round.

Hope this helps,

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