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Since you can only perform an action other than a standard move once... Does Anakin's 1-pip, This is Where the Fun Begins, give him Free-Action Jump 3 and Regular-Action Jump 3 or does it give him an option of performing a Free-Action Jump 2 or a Regular-Action Jump 1?

Edited by Hoffburger
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Hi there,

While This is Where the Fun Begins is in play, Anakin Skywalker will have Card Action: Jump 1 and Free Card Action: Jump 2. These do not combine to form any kind of Jump 3.

As a unit cannot perform the same action twice in a given turn except to move, Anakin may either perform the action Jump or the free Jump - not both.


On 7/26/2024 at 10:46 AM, Hoffburger said:

does it give him an option of performing a Free-Action Jump 2 or a Regular-Action Jump 1?

This is correct.

Hope this helps,

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