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The newest errata AMG Released today has a lot of new cards added to the removed list. I.E. Gave Tank, Sabre Tank, AAT Tank etc.

these all received new updated cards, but are now showing as no longer legal (based on the REMOVED LIST).

Other cards that have been replaced (LUKE, ANAKIN, LAAT etc) also received new cards but are not on the removed List. Does this mean GAV TANKS, SABRE TANKS, AAT TANKS and PERSUADER TANKS have been removed entirely?

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2 minutes ago, NeonKnight said:

Other cards that have been replaced (LUKE, ANAKIN, LAAT etc) also received new cards but are not on the removed List.

These cards are not on the Removed List because their unit card names have remained the same. They are on the Updated Cards list, to direct players with the prior unit cards to their new versions.

6 minutes ago, NeonKnight said:

Does this mean GAV TANKS, SABRE TANKS, AAT TANKS and PERSUADER TANKS have been removed entirely?

These cards are on the Removed Cards list because their unit card names have changed. The newly-titled unit cards are available in the 2024 Player Cards document for print and play. None of these have been removed from the game, simply retitled!

Hope this helps,

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