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  1. I'm not 100% certain, but can a unit (like Snowtroopers) use their STEADY keyword after making the DISEMBARK move?
  2. The rules state for SPEEDER X (page 50): and further state for TERRAIN HEIGHT (Page 13): Therefore a 74-Z Speeder Bike could move the roof of a Height 1 Building onto a Height 2 section of the same building (if multipart) My Questions are: 1. Would the 74-Z be able to 'fly' across a gap with a single move action from a Height 1 piece of terrain onto a height 2 piece of terrain that is not part of the same piece of terrain (i.e. from one building across an alley to another building)? 2. If a 74-Z starts on a Height 2 piece of terrain can it fly across a gap with a single move action to another Height 2 piece of terrain? 3. Must the 74-Z if starting on a Height 2 (or Higher) piece of terrain end it's move action on a Height 1 or is it like JUMP and constrained to making multiple hops to get to table level so to speak.
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