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The entry on the POI Tokens says that objective tokens, advantage tokens, and miniatures cannot overlap or be overlapped by POI tokens.


What about priority mission tokens, from the Complete the Mission keyword? Bane tokens, from Cad Bane's command cards? Graffiti tokens, from Sabine Wren command cards? Cody's reminder token?


Are any of these, or any other tokens not issued by objective, secondary, or advantage cards legal to place on top of or under a POI token?



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Hi there,

Bane Tokens may not overlap objective tokens.

Graffiti tokens & priority mission tokens have no such restriction and may be placing overlapping POIs. Tokens may overlap other tokens if not otherwise specified.

Tokens for various command card effects which do not appear in the rulebook Components list and which do not have a rules entry - such as those for Cody's Have I Ever Let you Down? or the Ewoks' Hiding in Plain Sight - do not have any gameplay effect and simply serve as a reminder to players of card effects. They can and should be moved around the table as needed for other objects and as convenient.

Hope this helps,

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