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In the "Deploy in Prepared Positions" entry it states that "Starting with the blue player, players alternate placing units with the Prepared Positions keyword on the battlefield.". In the "Prepared Positions (Unit Keyword)" Sections. It states that players "may deploy" a unit with Prepared Positions unless it has Stationary as laid out in the Stationary keyword.

My question is this - if both Blue and Red player for the sake of this example have 3 units with Prepared Positions and none of them have Stationary. May the blue player choose not to deploy a unit and see what red player does and then decide to place a unit or must both players at the beginning of the "Deploy in Prepared Positions" step select what unit will or will not be deployed in this way.

I hope this makes sense.


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Hi there,

42 minutes ago, TwirlingTwister said:

if both Blue and Red player for the sake of this example have 3 units with Prepared Positions and none of them have Stationary. May the blue player choose not to deploy a unit and see what red player does and then decide to place a unit

You may not "pass" during Deploy in Prepared Positions. When it is a player's turn to deploy, they will deploy an eligible unit. If they choose not to, they are no longer alternating and will cede any further opportunities to deploy.

42 minutes ago, TwirlingTwister said:

must both players at the beginning of the "Deploy in Prepared Positions" step select what unit will or will not be deployed in this way.

Players do not need to declare all units they have the intent of deploying at the start of the step. They may opt to not deploy further units.

Hope this helps,

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