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Drop Seat Bay + Skilled Bombardier

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In the rules reference the text explicitly refers to the Commando Teams as "device". While using drop seat bay it says also you may use the side hash marks.

Now seeing as it does not say launch but instead says align could skilled bombardier be used to increase the template aligned to the side hash marks from a 1bank to a 2bank speed?


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Yes skilled bombardier can be used to increase the template selected.

This sequence would be
1) You go to drop the crew using a 1 straight.
2) Skilled Bombardier triggers allowing you to use a 2 straight.
3) Drop-Seat triggers from the drop with a straight template, allowing you to use a 2 bank instead.
4) You can then use that 2 bank to drop the device or align said 2 bank with the side hashes to drop instead.

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