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The rules for the silhouettes say place the side with the white mark touching the base. According to this, the picture shows the slotted base silhouette on it's side and the trooper base silhouette to be upside down. When oriented in this manner, the slotted base silhouette is the same width as the trooper silhouette, but almost half again as tall. Should the slotted base silhouette width be the diameter of the base? As for height, this makes a E-Web blaster team taller than a Stormtrooper squad - are the crew standing on boxes?


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Hello, Mdublade,

The notched base trooper silhouette may be used for units with a variety base sizes; the Line of Sight section has the instructions for using both of them, specifically:


Place the side with the white mark touching the miniature’s base, moving the template around if needed.

Hope this helps,

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