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A building is an Obstacle, and can be either Open, Difficult or Impassable.

Open building, no movement penalty to move through. 

Difficult, movement penalty to move through.

Impassable, no movement through allowed. 

If an obstacle is taller than a unit's silhouette, it can climb on the obstacle (can only climb onto Impassable obstacle if it has special ability to do so).

Any building taller than a AT-ST (or any ground vehicle), it can not go through or onto.

Open building, lower than the top of a AT-ST's hull, the AT-ST can walk through or onto with no penalty?

Difficult building, lower than the top of a AT-ST's hull, the AT-ST can walk through or onto with speed reduced by 1 to minimum speed 1?

Impassable building, lower or taller than the AT-ST, the AT-ST can not walk through or onto.

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20 minutes ago, Mdublade said:

Any building taller than a AT-ST (or any ground vehicle), it can not go through or onto.

For a building determined to be obstacle terrain, as in your first sentence, yes.

20 minutes ago, Mdublade said:

Open building, lower than the top of a AT-ST's hull, the AT-ST can walk through or onto with no penalty

Correct, with the above stipulation.

20 minutes ago, Mdublade said:

Difficult building, lower than the top of a AT-ST's hull, the AT-ST can walk through or onto with speed reduced by 1 to minimum speed 1?

Correct again.

21 minutes ago, Mdublade said:

Impassable building, lower or taller than the AT-ST, the AT-ST can not walk through or onto.

You got it!

Good job,

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