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Charlesanakin's Achievements

  1. Thank you for clarification. So does that mean that all reactive abilities are in essence "immediately following" the resolution of the action? Because it says after, not "immediately after/following".
  2. Can Vader trigger both Riposte and The Sith Lord Strikes Back off the same attack? Ie., only one ability can trigger off one event. Riposte is triggered by the miss in the attack and The Sith Lord Strikes Back by the Wounding.
  3. Anakin moves into engagement range and performs a combat action to light saber attack Savage: A) Anakin only has 2 strikes go through and Savage rolls 2 expertise. Savage choses to jump away from Anakin and out of engagement range. Can Anakin use Force Jump before using I'm Going to End This? B) Anakin has 3 crits go through and Savage has 2 expertise again. Anakin is on Stance 1 and deals 6 damage (7-protection) and gives a Strain. Does Anakins Strain happen first and does Savage then take 3 damage if Jumps away? C) Anakin has 4 strikes and crits go through and Savage has 2 expertise again. This time Anakin choses a Pinned. Can Savage still Jump away? If Anakin choses Jump instead does he execute his Jump before Savage? Thanks, James
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