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Posts posted by firbison

  1. immortal hulk has the ability to remove a damage at the end of each turn so with the ability of follow me and similar effects would this remove only one damage or would it be two characters activations ending at the same time and remove two damage. Also how would it work if i have no more activations left and they have 3, each of there turns come to an end of turn "step" and would remove a damage for each of those characters correct.

  2.  after looking this over in the rulebook i had to ask the question just for verification.

    if wasp is within rang 2 of drax and uses his blades attack targeting wasp normal, wasp then uses her change size ability to get placed within range 1 and is now wasp tiny, since you dont measure rang to target till after the target of the attack is the attack then just wasted and the action then used up

  3. this came up and it was something i had a brief moment of im not sure but just did a collision as normal but i wanted to check. The character being thrown is on top of a size three piece of terrain at a size two character with there base touching said piece of terrain. I had a moment where i was thinking that the character would just be thrown over the top of the character on the ground because its on a size three and they where size two but would it just be a collision as normal or is there some rule for this i may have missed that possibly explains this possibility.

  4. when putting the templet down to determine the dirrection you can throw the character can a thrown character possible collide with 2 characters if it makes contact with both bases. this has happened before but didnt know if its possible or if it can only ever hit just one character and if it did would the thrown character take 2 damage from contacting both bases.

  5. theres been a question on if kingpins leadership counts for secures like Mutant Madman Turns City Center Into Lethal Amusement Park that my characters would still count as two healthy characters per healthy model. Did this change with the new crisis cards when they came out or was this never the case


  6. blades leadership has a once per turn effect attached to it and im looking at black panthers ability and it doesnt have that same effect added to it so can i keep paying to reroll for black panthers leadership if i have the energy and if thats is or isnt the case what keeps miles morales leadership from just rerolling over and over again. im looking to see if im missing a mechanic that limits leadership abilities. 

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