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  1. I am wondering how the timing and triggers work for the following interaction. General Anakin Skywalker declares an attack against Obi-Wan Kenobi, Out of Hiding, and there are no other characters engaged with Anakin. Obi-Wan uses Mind Trick on Anakin's attack. When the attack action is ended by Mind Trick, will there be an opportunity to trigger "I'm going to end this" after the combat action?
  2. If a wounded Unit would use a reactive ability that would cause the strain condition to take effect, does the strain get removed even though they can not suffer damage? Example: Kalani is chosen to activate, triggering "Roger, Roger". Kalani chooses to dash a B1 battle droid character in range that is both wounded and strained. After the B1 character finishes the dash, is the strain removed even though the character can not take damage since it is wounded?
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